Introduction to the role of Parish Councillor in East Boldre
This information is intended for those who live or work in the parish of East Boldre, who would like to find out more about contributing to their community and making a difference for the benefit of all.
East Boldre Parish Council is made up of seven residents of the parish. Councillors are usually elected at local elections every four years. If vacancies arise mid-term or are unfilled after the elections, parish councillors can co-opt new councillors.
The parish boundary extends from Hatchet Pond to East End. Information about the village, its history and the work of the council can be found at elsewhere on this website. The minutes of all council meetings are found here also and offer the context of recent developments.
If you are over 18 and a British, EU or Commonwealth citizen, have lived or worked in the parish for more than a year and are an elector, you are more than likely eligible. Some of the other reasons for ineligibility for being a member of the council include bankruptcy or criminal conviction. More information can be found on the Electoral Commission website:
East Boldre is committed to equality of opportunities and abides by the Civility & Respect pledge.
The application process
A straightforward application form is available from the parish clerk for a prospective candidate. Once councillors have had the opportunity to review the form, the candidate will be invited to an informal meeting to learn more about the role and to share their ideas for the role. Councillors will consider the application at a parish council meeting. Once successful, the individual must complete a Declaration of Members Interest form, which makes publicly available information relating to the successful candidate, such as land holdings, interests, details of employment, membership of organisations and shareholdings within the parish. This will be publicly available on the NFDC website.
As part of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office (which is completed at the first formal meeting of the Parish Council after co-option) the new Councillor agrees to accept the Code of Conduct, which governs their actions as a Councillor. Full details of the Code and council policies can be viewed on the parish council’s website.
Parish council meetings are held once a month, usually on the second Tuesday at the Village Hall in East Boldre. Occasionally working groups are formed and meet as and when required. The parish council Annual Meeting and the Annual Parish Assembly (where residents meet members) are held around May each year.
Councillors should attend meetings unless they have a statutory reason for not attending (holidays, work commitments and being unwell) or their failure to attend is approved by the council.
All meetings are open to the public and to the press, and members of public will have the opportunity to speak during the public session if they wish.
The Parish Council makes valuable observations on planning issues. They consider both planning applications submitted to the National Park Authority, as well as applications for tree works.
The parish council is represented on many local groups, including the village hall, the Schoolfields Trust, Community Speedwatch and the emergency planning team. The Parish Council also works in close partnership with the New Forest District Council, Hampshire County Council, the New Forest National Park Authority and Forestry England.
It supports community groups like the emergency planning team and speedwatch volunteers, and looks after community assets such as the allotments and the football pitch which is freely available for all to enjoy.
One-off public events and projects are organised also.
More details about being a parish councillor can be found in the ‘Good Councillor’s Guide’ available from the parish clerk.
Find out more
For further details and an informal chat, contact the parish clerk – Liz Welch – on 07562 985631 or