Climate Change - how we can all help

12 Ways Big Tech Can Take Big Action on Climate Change






Within East Boldre Parish Council there are a number of councillors who are interested in exploring methods to help reduce climate change.  Residents can contact the parish council to discuss climate change issues.  

There are many things we can all do to make a difference: 

Save energy at home: Turning off lights and unplugging appliances will help, but your heating could be   undoing all your good work.  Make a dent in your carbon emissions by properly insulating your home.  There are more eco-friendly heating options too, like smart controls and heat pumps.

Green Homes Grant: The government are offering a maximum of £5,000, but some benefit recipients get double for home improvements, which will improve homes efficiency: such as insulation, double glazing and heating controls: Click here for link to Green Homes grant 

Switch energy providers: Wouldn't it be nice to weaken the big climate polluters that burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas?  You can.  In just 5 minutes you can switch to a green-energy provider, without any disruption to your supply.  Every person choosing a green tariff adds to the movement for more renewables.

Power up on plants: Meat and dairy production is responsible for 14% of global climate-changing emissions.  Too much meat is no good for your health either. Each year we could prevent thousands of early deaths in the UK, and save the NHS a fortune, by eating low-meat or no-meat diets.  There's plenty of easy ways to reduce your impact, for example order a veg box straight to your door or eating less (and better) meat and dairy from local farms.

West Solent Solar Co-operative: The Pennington solar farm was developed by the local community and generates enough electricity to supply 650 home. The co-operative has supported solar installations on school roofs and is interested in developing more projects locally:

Take the train, not the plane: Your carbon emissions will be sky high if you fly frequently.  From the mountains of Snowdonia to Cornwall’s beautiful beaches, think about all the beautiful places in the UK you can reach without flying.